Overall Objectives
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Highlights of the Year
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Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries




Laure Gonnord was a member of the doctoral committee for the evaluation of the first year of Phd of F. Maurica, Université de la Réunion, December 2015.

Jean-Yves L'Excellent was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Corentin Rossignon, University of Bordeaux, 2015.

Yves Robert chaired the HDR defense committee of Arnaud Legrand (University of Grenoble) in November 2015. He was a member of the PhD defense committee of Mathias Coqblin (University of Bsançon) in January 2015. He was a reviewer for the PhD defense committee of Pooja Aggarwal (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi) in October 2015.

Frédéric Vivien was a member of the PhD defense committee of Mawussi Zounon (University of Bordeaux).